“Quanta” Master’s Degree Program Olympiad was held
19 April, 2022
Within the framework of the “Quanta” Master’s Degree Program in Quantum and Mesoscopic Physics, an Olympiad was held on April 12 at the Holiday Inn Hotel. 20 students from Yerevan State University, Russian-Armenian University, National Polytechnic University of Armenia attended the four-hour Olympiad. The best results were shown by the students of the Russian-Armenian University Narek Yengibaryan, Karen Danielyan and Sargis Galavajyan.
The juries of the Olympiad were Hayk Sargsyan, the Scientific Director of the “Quanta” Master’s Degree Program in Quantum and Mesoscopic Physics, Gevorg Meliksetyan, the Head of the program, and Yevgeni Mamasakhlisov, the Head of the Department of Materials Science of the Russian-Armenian University.
The participants of the Olympiad are looking forward with great enthusiasm to the next event of the “Quanta” Masters Degree Program in Quantum and Mesoscopic Physics - a summer school, which will take place at the end of June.
19 April, 2022

In the framework of the “Quanta” Master’s degree program in quantum and mesoscopic physics, a scientific conference was held from 3 to 5 of April at the Holiday Inn hotel. In the conference 46 participants from Yerevan State University, Russian-Armenian University and National Polytechnic University of Armenia participated in the conference. Among the participants there were graduates, third-year and fourth year students. The majority of students and graduates made reports.
In the framework of the “Quanta” program, a conference will be held from 3 to 5 of April, and an Olympiad will be held on April 12th. (For registration please follow the links below.)