Students from Khachpar Secondary School Attended “Parker” Quartet’s Concert

29 May, 2019
Yesterday, in the framework of the initiative by “My Step” Foundation of making Yerevan’s cultural life accessible for children living in regions of Armenia, a group of students from Khachpar secondary school (Ararat province) was in Yerevan to attend the third concert of “Yerevan Perspectives” International Music Festival. The community council of Khachpar supported the initiative by providing transportation.

Before the start of the concert children had a chance to meet the artists backstage, became acquainted with “Aram Khachatryan” music hall, the history of its construction and activities, discussed the role of arts and culture in public life. Afterwards, they enjoyed compositions of Mozart and Dvořák performed by Grammy award-winning “Parker” String Quartet.

Yerevan Perspectives Festival provided the tickets of the concert for children and their teachers.

“My Step” foundation is the general sponsor of the Yerevan Perspectives International Music Festival.

29 May, 2019

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