The Foundation has provided the equipments of regional Cultural Centers
The program aims to empower young people in the regions through providing training, equipment and creating youth spaces within regional Cultural Centers.
The MY STEP Foundation’s cultural programs coordinator Gayane Gharagyozyan mentioned that the Cultural Centers were supplied with computers, video, and audio equipment. The needed technology was assessed by the Foundation with the involvement of employees and volunteers of the Cultural Centers”.
Appropriate еquipmentс has been provided to the Cultural Centers of Berd, Gandzakar, Lchashen, Oshakan, Mrgashat, Artik, and Stepanavan.
We want to remind you that another beneficiary of the “Reviving Cultural Centers in the Regions'' program- the Cultural Center of Khachik village has already received the necessary technology in August, generously donated by the Vega chain store.
The program has been implemented by the Foundation since 2019. The 9 beneficiary Cultural Centers were selected through an open call. The purpose of the program is to empower the young people in regional communities and create development hubs for the communities in cultural centers.