MY STEP Foundation plans to organize Christmas and New Year fair and to offer free
● assistance to humanitarian aid facilities operating in the Republic of Armenia,
● provision of school kits (backpacks, stationary, etc.) to the schoolchildren, who have temporarily settled in the Republic of Armenia,
● procurement of the necessary goods for pregnant women and newborn babies (stroller, clothing, hygiene items), who have temporarily settled in the Republic of Armenia,
● organization of Christmas and New Year fair for Artsakh children,
● organization of Christmas events for the children of servicemen in Yerevan and marzs (regions) of the Republic of Armenia,
● temporarily handing out free meals for the people who have moved from other Artsakh provinces to Stepanakert (mothers with many children, lonely old people, families of servicemen who are not by their side).
Given the situation and the necessity to address the needs, MY STEP Foundation plans to organize several events and to implement assistance projects. All the projects are being developed and realized in cooperation with relevant authorities of the Republic of Armenia and Artsakh Republic, after the assessment of needs and demands.
With a firm understanding of and commitment to taking urgent measures to provide people with conditions for a decent living, to help them get back on track, long-term automated projects are also being developed, implementation of which, without any doubt, will lead to positive changes and improvement of the human condition.
We must emerge from the crisis with dignity, supporting, encouraging each other in order to yet again find our way back to the development.
Let us join our efforts and extend our love and care to our compatriots via
Dear compatriots, please follow the official pages of MY STEP Foundation for further information on current activities of the Foundation.