MY STEP Foundation's Scholarship Program for 2020 is in Process. Interviews of the applicants with the selection committee took place.

09 August, 2020
On 6th and 7th of August within the scope of the 2020-2021 academic year, interviews of the applicants of the Foundation’s Scholarship Program with the Selection Committee took place.

On the 10th of April the Foundation began the application process for the Scholarship program for 2020-2021 academic year. The Foundation received 73 applications, only 41 were reviewed, since the remaining didn’t meet the Foundation's requirements.

The scholarship granting decision is based on the applicants’ supporting documents that they have attached to their applications, the university program that they will be attending, their academic level, the results of the interview with the selection committee, and the Scholarship Program budget.

This year the majority of applicants were from seeking education in the fields of medicine and health management, statistics and data science, biology, biochemistry, urban development, urbanism and logistics.

“The Foundation’s scholarship program aims to give young people the opportunity to gain professions derived from Armenia's sustainable development priorities and make contributions to the prosperity of Armenia.

By the way, according to the provisions of the program, our scholars return to Armenia after graduation to contribute their knowledge and experience to the development of Armenia. Our alumni are being involved in various programs in their field of expertise and help with the development of their field through sharing knowledge and skills with their peers. Being connected with the world top academic institutions is vital for Armenia’s development, seeing that to achieve what other developed countries have achieved we have no alternative except this.

During this time we have insure that the program is transparent, trustworthy and the whole process starting from the announcement of the Scholarship Program, the application process which includes the interviews, allocation of the scholarships, oversight on the academic process and their return to Armenia is well managed and organized”, Mr. Hovhannes Ghazaryan, the Foundation's Executive Director states.

Mr. Armen Nersesyan, the Coordinator of the Foundation’s educational programs, stated that the selection committee was created taking into consideration the different academic specialties of the applicants. The selection committee includes representatives from the public and private sectors in addition to this a representative from the Ministry of education, science, culture and sport is also present as a committee member.

The scholarship amount allocated for each individual recipient is based on the costs of education, academic level, specialty, and the results of the interview with the Selection Committee, the terms of the Scholarship Program and the Program’s budget.

The scholarship covers up to 50 percent of the study related fees, but no more than $25,000 can be allocated to Master’s and PhD students and no more than $10,000 to students seeking a Bachelor’s degree.

09 August, 2020

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